Contact Info

2/2, Assisi Garden, Assisi Nagar, Pudupakkam Chenglepet Dist. - 603103 Tamilnadu, India.

(+91) 893 - 989 - 9343

info@assisiapostolicfamily.com assisifamilyindia@gmail.com

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Director - Assisi Apostolic Family

Brother Ravi Leo is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the world of leadership. With an impressive background in Mechanical Engineering and being the son of our esteemed founder, Brother D. Leo, Brother Ravi has proven himself to be a remarkable leader with a wealth of admirable qualities. His integrity, courage, foresight, self-awareness, gratitude, empathy, and effective communication are all fundamental to his high moral character. It is no exaggeration to say that Brother Ravi is the backbone and cornerstone of the dynamic growth of the Assisi Apostolic Family and its Ministries. His quietly confident approach to leadership is what makes him stand out among the rest. As the famous saying goes, “a leader is best when people barely know he exists,” and Brother Ravi epitomizes this philosophy.

Despite receiving numerous attractive offers from established organizations, Brother Ravi chose to dedicate his life completely to ministerial work. This decision has been a true blessing to the Family and its Ministries, who continue to grow exponentially under his guidance. Brother Ravi is an efficient administrator and spiritually enlightened person, but it’s his unique and stimulating way of delivering sermons that really sets him apart. The impact he has had on people’s lives is immeasurable, and he has been instrumental in bringing them closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Beloved Mother Mary. With Brother Ravi at the helm, the Ministry will continue to flourish, and the community will undoubtedly be better for it.

Psalm 40:8

"I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.”