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2/2, Assisi Garden, Assisi Nagar, Pudupakkam Chenglepet Dist. - 603103 Tamilnadu, India.

(+91) 893 - 989 - 9343

info@assisiapostolicfamily.com assisifamilyindia@gmail.com

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Founder - Assisi Apostolic Family

Our Founder Bro. D. Leo is an inspiration to all, blessed with a journey of transformation that truly inspires us to follow our calling.

Bro.D. Leo, was born on 5th March 1941 in Sivagangai, TamilNadu, India.  This place has a special significance because St.John De Britto was martyred in Oriyur near Sivagangai.  He was a successful mechanical engineer, living the life that many of us dream of having. As a manager in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ranipet, which is a government company, Bro.D.Leo led a very luxurious and extravagant life. In 1967, he got married to Euphresia Josephine who hailed from a very pious and influential family. They have 3 children (one son and two daughters).

However, Bro.D.Leo knew that there was something more to life, something deeper. In 1987, he was moved by the extraordinary love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and felt a deep thirst for spiritual fulfillment. Through prayer, penance, and fasting, he sought the guidance of God and started preaching the Good News in many places. Astounding miracles happened through his unwavering devotion and the hand of the Lord was evident in his ministry.

The Founder, Bro.D.Leo sacrificed his high level managerial job from BHEL in order to do God’s work without any incumbrance. He chose St.Francis of Assisi as the patron of this new venture because St.Francis made himself poor so that he might become Christ-like. He loved nature because it was a manifestation of the beauty of God. The saint did great penance that he might be totally disposed to do the will of God. He lived the gospel way of life summed up in the charity of Jesus and perfectly expressed in the Eucharist. St.Francis of Assisi made his life itself a prayer and an example by loving all of creation and by living a simple life. His life was so exemplary that the Church attributed the title “Second Christ” only to St.Francis of Assisi.

The life of St.Francis of Assisi so inspired Bro.D.Leo that he gave up all materialistic things of this world and embraced a life close to that of St.Francis of Assisi.  Today, the legacy of our Founder lives on, and the Assisi Apostolic Family founded by Bro.D.Leo, continues to inspire countless people to experience the abundant grace and blessings of our God. Let us all be inspired by Bro. Leo’s dedication to a life of purpose and join him on this journey towards enlightenment

Ephesians 6:13-18

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.