Contact Info

2/2, Assisi Garden, Assisi Nagar, Pudupakkam Chenglepet Dist. - 603103 Tamilnadu, India.

(+91) 893 - 989 - 9343

info@assisiapostolicfamily.com assisifamilyindia@gmail.com

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Assisi Core Members


Assisi Core Members are the families/individuals/Religious living inside Assisi Garden, Pudupakkam.

As esteemed members of the Assisi Apostolic Family, they have embraced a life free from materialism and dedicated towards values that guide their existence. They have relinquished any material possessions and hold fast to the invaluable principles that guide their lives.

In a manner reminiscent of early Christian tradition as outlined in Acts 2:45, these families embody selflessness and trust, embodying the principle of caring for one another as expressed in Galatians 6:2. By sharing their possessions and creating an environment of transparency, they demonstrate the importance of human connection and the necessity of living in a community.

Through their steadfast commitment to moral principles, they provide us with an example to emulate, as we all strive towards achieving greater compassion, selflessness and unity


Attaining oneness with God the Creator by growing in oneness with the whole of his creation and fellow human beings (John 17:21).​


Living a life of unstinting love, simplicity, humility, chastity, poverty, selfless service and transparency, leading to the conversion of the universe (2 cor 6:3-12) Building a community of lay people, religious and priests, living together as a family, following the spirit of St.Francis of Assisi that leads to effective evangelization (Mark16:15)​ Making the world a better place to live in for all people, irrespective of caste, creed or religion, by leading an apostolic life resulting in One Father, One Family, One Shepherd and One Folk (Jn 10:16)​