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Once three famous robbers who committed many crimes visited the monastery of the Friar Minors in Monte Casale, and begged for some food. The guardian of that monastery, however, scolded the robbers severely, accusing them of all the heinous crimes which they committed and asked them to go away. That same day, St.Francis visited that monastery. The guardian immediately told Francis of the visit of the three robbers and how he scolded and chased them away. Hearing this St.Francis began very angry and severely condoned the behavior of the Friar Minor saying “You acted in a cruel way, because sinners are led back to God by holy meekness better than by cruel scolding. For our Master Jesus Christ whose Gospel we have promised to observe, says that the doctor is not needed for the well but for the sick and that is why our Lord Jesus Christ visited and ate with sinners. Now I order you under Holy Obedience to take right now this sack of bread and jug of wine which I begged. Go and look carefully for those robbers over the mountains and valleys until you find them. Then kneel down before them, offer them this food humbly accusing yourself of your cruelty. Then ask them in my name not to do those evil things any more but to fear God and not to offend their neighbors.” The guardian did as he was told. Meanwhile St.Francis knelt down and prayed for the conversion of the robbers. At the same time St.Francis was praying, the Friar Minor was speaking to the robbers. The robbers while eating the food the Blessed Father has sent through the guardian Friar Minor, felt a great sorrow over the grievous sins they had committed and said to the guardian “Let’s go to St.Francis, and if the Blessed Father gives us hope that we can obtain mercy from God for our great sins, let’s do whatever he commands us, so that we can free our souls from the punishment of hell.” They then went to St.Francis who was praying and waiting for them. The blessed Father welcomed them kindly and with holy affection and took them into his order as Friar Minors. Moreover, he promised them that he would obtain mercy and grace for them from the Lord Jesus. He also taught them how the infinite greatness of divine mercy surpasses all our sins, even they are boundless. The three robbers were deeply touched by the words and promise of the Blessed Father. They led an exemplary life till their death thus gaining much graces from God and St.Francis through their great penance and exemplary way of Life.

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