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Brother Riccieri, the companion of Brother Pellegrino, led an active life, living in great sanctity and humility, traveling on foot, and devoutly and faithfully serving his neighbors, the friars. And he became very intimate and popular with St. Francis, so that he learned many things from the Saint and under his instructions clearly grasped the truth concerning many doubtful points, and he perceived the will of the Lord in matters with which he had to deal. And as the holy Father prophesied, he served the friars. Now after some time, for the good of his soul, Divine Providence permitted a very great temptation to crane over him, so that in his intense anxiety and trouble he afflicted himself severely with abstinence and disciplines and tears and prayers day and night. But he could not free himself from that temptation. And many times he was led into intense despair, because owing to the power of the temptation he believed himself abandoned by God. But while he was plunged into extreme desolation and desperation, he reflected in his heart and said to himself: “I will get up and go to my Father, Francis. And if he welcomes me and shows himself friendly to me, as he usually does, I believe that God will still be merciful to me. But if not, it will be a sign that I have been abandoned by God” So he set out and went to St Francis. The Saint was then lying seriously ill in the palace of the Bishop of Assisi. And while he was meditating about God, the whole matter of that friar’s temptation and desperation and plan and coming was revealed to him by God. St Francis immediately called his companions, Brother Masseo and Brother Leo,' and said to them: "Go out quickly to meet my dear son Riccieri, and embrace and welcome him for me, and tell him that of all the friars who are in the world, I have a special love for him.” Now like obedient sons they went right out to meet Brother Riccieri. And finding him on the road, as St. Francis had said, they embraced him and told him the Father's loving words, which so filled his soul with sweet consolation that he was almost beside himself with joy. How happy he showed himself, and how he expressed his joy, and how he praised and thanked God with all his heart because God had made his journey successful, can hardly be put in words. O good Jesus, You never abandon those who hope in You, but always give us strength with a temptation so that we can sustain it. He went to the place where the angelic and godlike man St.Francis was lying. And although St. Francis was gravely sick, he got to his feet and went to meet Brother Riccieri. And embracing him affectionately, he said to him: "My very dear son Brother Riccieri, among all the friars who are in the world I have a special love for you.” And after saying that, he made the Sign of the Cross on his forehead and lovingly kissed him on the same spot and then said to him: "My beloved son, God gave you that temptation in order that you might gain very great merit. But if you do not want any more of that merit, you will not have it.” It is wonderful to relate that as soon as St. Francis had said those words, all that diabolical temptation suddenly left the friar, as though he had never in his life felt it. And he remained utterly consoled in God. To the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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