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Once the saint was journeying with a companion near Bari in Apulia, they came across a large purse on the road, which seemed to be bursting with money. His companion appealed to him and tried to persuade him to pick it up and give the money to the poor, but Francis refused. The whole thing was a trick of the Devil, he added, pointing out that what his companion wanted him to do i.e. to take what belonged to another and make a present of it was sinful, not meritorious. They continued on, in a hurry to finish their journey. But the friar would not give in; he was deceived by a spirit of false generosity and he pestered the saint, saying that he had no interest in relieving the needs of the poor. Eventually Francis patiently agreed to return, in order to unmask the Devil's trickery, not to do what his companion wanted. They made their way back to the purse, together with a young man whom they met on the road. There the saint prayed for a little while and then he told his companion to pick up the wallet. The friar was dumbfounded and afraid; he could feel there was some evil influence at work. However, in obedience to the saint’s command, he overcame his reluctance and stretched out his hand. Immediately a huge snake jumped out of the purse and disappeared with it. so that the friar was convinced beyond all shadow of doubt that it was the Devil who was there. The enemy’s treacherous cunning was unmasked and Francis remarked to his companion, “For those who serve God, my brother, money is a Devil, a poisonous snake.” ALL PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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